This past weekend just flew by! Who else thought so? We were able to enjoy some of the last nice days of the fall before winter hits. Watch the Vikings lose to a team they should have easily beat and I got to join some of my girlfriends for brunch! We had wonderful food and conversations! I even tried a Mamosa, which I've never had before and a Bloody Mary, which I HAVE tried Both were super tasty! I love brunch, but always get way too full!!!
Anyways, just wanted to share with you a recipe of Saturday nights' dinner! Hope you test it out as this puree was absolutely DIVINE Even my hubby thought so, and he normally ins't a big fan! Hope you have a fabulous week!
Oven Roasted Pork Chops
3 Thick Cut Pork Chops
2-3 Tlb. Olive Oil
1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2. Heat oil in a large pan over medium/high heat. Wrap tin foil around handle so you can put in oven. Once the oil is heated, add seasoned pork chops and cook on both sides for 2 minutes.
3. Transfer pan to oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.
4. Remove from oven and remove from pan to allow to rest.
Appricot Sauce
1/2 c. Appricot Jam
1/2 Juice of Lemon
1 Tlb. Honey
1. In the same pan used for pork chops, heat over medium.
2. Add jam, lemon juice & honey.
3. Wisk together until bubbling and thickened. Pour over pork chops & puree.
Sweet Potato Puree
2 Large Sweet Potatoes, Peeled & 1" Cubed
2 Tlb. Butter
1/2 tsp. Salt
2 Tlb. Honey
2 Tlb. Maple Syrup
1. Boil Potatoes until tender.
2. Drain & Transfer to stand mixer with paddle attachment.
3. Mix potatoes for 2 minutes until creamy.
4. Add butter and continue to mix. Add Salt, mix. Add Honey, mix, Add Syrup, mix. DONE! Sweet with a touch of saltiness!!! Super yum!
Until next time...
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