Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! It is chilly, windy, cloudy and feels like spring outside. So even though I am not able to let the kiddos play outside, we are still enjoying the day.
I went on a date night with the Hubs last night. It was wonderful! We rarely get to go out and enjoy ourselves because we don't have many people able to watch our children when we do go. But last night, I was able to reel in my friend Kelly to come sit with the kids. She is a saint, and we are so grateful to have her in our lives! Not just for a baby sitter, but she is rapidly becoming a very close friend and we just met in October. So needless to say, her offering to watch the kids for FREE so Michael and I could go out was absolutely fantabulous! {However, I did sneak a Happy Easter & Spring card into her purse from the kids with a $20 in it...I knew she wouldn't take it otherwise! LOL}...
This picture was taken 4 years ago...I sadly realized when going through my pictures that Michael and I don't have any pictures together, AND we don't have pictures of each other seprately...needless to say, I'm making a resolution to change that...Here is my handsome Michael. Inside and out, this man is so amazing...can't believe God gave him to me! WOW...just in awe daily. In case you aren't jealous of me already, I'll just throw in there that he also does dishes, laundry, bathing of the kiddos, yard work, watches the kids, plays with the kids, dotes on me, AND finds time to shoot his bow and exercise daily...how he does it, I'll never know, but am so grateful for all he does for me and our family...I'm so in love with this man and can't express enough how blessed I am...
So on our date, Michael and I went to Taco Johns for Taco Tuesday! He had 3 hardshells, I had a fish taco, we split a potato ole and drank water. Total bill: $5.32...Then we went to the movie 21 Jump Street with Tatum Channing and Jonah Hill...Tuesday night is cheap night {$6.50 each ticket} and ordered a #1 which includes a large pop and a large popcorn and Michael had to get his Skittles, {Total Concession Bill: $10.00}...Spending time laughing till my sides hurt with the Hubs while not-so-secretly drooling over Tatum Channing...PRICELESS!!!
Even though I love spending time at home with my wonderful family, it feels good to get out on a date...but I did miss the kiddos while we were gone! Here are some reason's why!!!

I'm so thankful and so blessed to have a friend who loves children and doesn't mind looking after them every once in a while. I'm also so blessed to have such a wonderful husband that makes me smile throughout the day when I think of him, which is pretty often because I'm constantly calling him at his work and getting him into trouble just to tell him something new the kids did that afternoon!!! I'm so thankful and blessed that my children have a crush on my friend Kelly so that they are nice to her and listen when she tells them it is bedtime! LOL...Most of all, I'm just feeling blessed.

God is good and every day he is with me, is a day I feel blessed...